
If you are new to Ostomy’s or someone just getting a Stoma, or you just found out you have to have a surgery to get one, then there is a huge vocabulary you have to learn fast.  There is a lot of information that comes at you and when you are going through the grieving process and coming to grips with what just happened or what is about to happen people keep saying things that don’t make sense.  The goal of this article is to break down the basic vocabulary for people who are just learning about this area. So let's start with some of the basics of ostomy care and go over what an ostomy is.

An Ostomy is simply a surgery that involves opening up a hole for urine and stool to leave the body.  It's as simple as that. It is normally below the belly button on your waist. Now the next term that is heard the most is the Stoma.  A Stoma is the part of the intestines rather large or small that is visible though the abdomen.  Those are the two most important terms to know. The opening is the Ostomy and the Stoma is the visible intestines. It is ok to touch your stoma. This is lined by mucosal tissue and it should be encouraged to get over the fear of touching your stoma.  It can be the small steps that get people comfortable to learn more and take their ostomy care to the next level.  There are many reasons why Ostomy’s are done.  Some individuals need to have them due to complications with cancer.  They may have issues with digestions, or trauma and need to have it done.  Degenerative diseases also come into play so understanding the basics of Ostom’s can help you understand either your current situation or a loved ones and help to emotionally get through. 

The biggest thing to know is that people who have Ostomies live full amazing lives.  It is not a hindrance or a handicap that keeps them from living any differently than anyone else.  Many individuals instantly believe that and stereotype people with ostomies into a handicaped mindset.  Please disregard this information and mentally slap yourself for thinking it.Its simply not true.  Remember to be kind, loving, and smart.  Basic understanding of Ostomy’s and Stoma’s allows you to best prepare for either yourself or a loved one to get back to a normal lifestyle quickly.

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