What is Colostomy Irrigation?


The colostomy is a surgical process of ostomy. It builds an artificial hole on the outer side of the beely wall. It happens due to any Crohn's disease in the colon, rectum, or bowel. Thus, surgeons close the natural anal opening, they fabricate an artificial anus on the abdomen. They remove the diseases part of the large intestine and re-route the colon. In case of minor diseases like injuries, blockages, malfunctions, birth defects, and infections in the colon, rectum, and bowel, doctors perform a temporary or reversible colostomy. However, in the case of rectum cancer, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and anal cancer, the colostomy stoma will be permanent. A stoma is the artificial opening in the abdomen of a patient that will perform the function of the anus. Doctors eliminate the disease and infected sections of these internal organs and bring the colon to the stoma. The new route will pass the stool (in thick consistency) to the opening. A pouch or bag will collect the solid waste and the ostomate will empty the feces from this sack.

Colostomy Pouching System

A colostomy or any other ostomy patient cannot leave the stoma open. The function of the new hole in the abdomen is to eject the feces. Therefore, a patient needs something that will cover the stoma opening and collect the stool. So, an ostomate will wear the ostomy pouching system that will fulfill all the demands of the stoma. It will protect, cover, collect the waste, and look after opening, its edges, and surrounding's skin. The colostomy pouching system includes a stoma pouch, skin barrier, flanges, adhesive, adhesive remover, discardable drainage bag, wipes, filters, and spray. The colostomy patients usually suffer from constipation, odor, and intestinal gas; thus, they should wear a filter bag and use a spray to get rid of feces smell.

Colostomy Irrigation

When it comes to colostomy irrigation, it does not mean emptying and washing of the colostomy pouching system. It refers to the cleaning and draining of the bowel by putting liquid into the opening (stoma). Moreover, every colostomy stoma is not able to irrigate. Thus, before irrigating your opening, ask your ET nurse or healthcare professional, either you can perform this method on your bowel or not. Due to the colostomy irrigation, the ostomate's bowel will move regularly. Moreover, the movement will shoe signs and will become predictable. The bowel will not generate any internal infection or disease. This will be free of any malfunction and trouble. It will provide smoothness to the patient, stoma, and the bowel. However, colostomy or bowel irrigation is not suitable for every colostomy patient. Make a schedule for your bowel irrigation and follow that.

How to Irrigate the Colostomy?

Well, it needs proper knowledge and training. Moreover, it requires some tools to irrigate your colostomy. Thus, you can take help and training from your nurse or healthcare team. However, the following are some steps you can adopt for the irrigation of colostomy:

  • Collect all the tools first. A colostomy patient will require a plastic irrigating container with a long tube and a cone. This tube will help you to put water in the stoma. Moreover, you need an irrigation sleeve. This will empty the stool directly into the commode. Then, you need a belt, so you can attach it to the irrigation sleeve.
  • The second necessary thing is your schedule. Do not change your timings every day. Pick a suitable time and irrigate the colostomy daily on the chosen time.
  • You should know how much liquid your colostomy needs. Always put lukewarm water into your stoma. Fill the plastic tube with 16 to 50 ounces (500 to 1500 mL) of water. You can hang the container to relax your shoulder and ease the process.

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