Sunday 29 October 2017

Stoma Prepping for the Election

Boy, I have never seen our country in such a craze as 2020.  Even with all the wild twists and turns of this year with COVID-19 and the Economic shutdowns, I am still amazed at how people are acting.  When tragedies have happened in the past it brought us together as a country.  I remember 9/11 and how that horribly day made us all one.  This year things are a little different and the news seems to be driving a wedge between half the country.  This has made me think about a whole lot of things and after seeing food and product shortages on the shelves this year I started to worry about my ostomy gear as well.  The fact is that most of my gear is produced overseas and it all revolves around our economy working and shipping to still exist.  That is why I am a little worried and decided to make a plan about how to protect myself if the need arises.


The reason this came to mind and started to become an issue was simply the memory of having stores close down.  The news not only is talking about shutting down our country again but also the possible riots and chaos that will come from the election.  The riots that took place this year across the country shut down some major cities in the United States.  Pharmacies that are my local place to pick up ostomy gear were targeted and destroyed in these locations. It was almost as if the far left wanted to cause medical issues for those living in the areas.  This led me to also remember the shortages that took place and if the news says it will be worse this time around then I may have an issue with getting my ostomy gear online as normal.


My goal has now been to not get caught unprepared.  I am by no means a prepper and for the most part, I think the United States is an incredible place, but I have personally seen the product and food shortages happen.  This means I shouldn't be ignorant to the fact that it may happen again and be worse.  So my goal is to instead of just getting my normal monthly shipment of ostomy bags, seals, and cleaning supplies that I will double up.  I want to double up a few months in a row so that instead of relying on that shipment each month I will have an extra two-month buffer.  Really if feels like being in a hurricane location without the storm.  Instead of the storm we have rioters and legislators who are shutting down our country.


So don't panic.  Most of the country shouldn't have these problems, but I live next to a major city and I think that the possibility of these things happening again near me and possibly causing my medical condition to become a scary problem is real.  I am a better safe than sorry person and I think that having some extra food and water couldn't hurt either.  Most places and government agencies say to have 3-7 days of supplies on hand at all times in case power or storm emergencies happen. But this could be a little more extended than that and I think it is wise to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. 


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